Another inspiring quote from one of my favorite web sites, I am always inspired from this site. The quote which follows was in my email today, just when I needed to believe in my dreams.
Having a dream, Susan, is awesome.
Having a dream and showing up every day, even when nothing seems to be happening, is priceless.
But having a dream and showing up every day, while sauntering, winking, and hugging everyone, is when the floodgates begin to tremble.
The Universe
Sitting here watching the Titanic for the thousand time and knowing I have to follow my dreams and follow my heart, where that will take me I have no idea. I have always followed the wind as it blew and it has always 'blew' me in the correct path.
I have, in the past few weeks, been thinking about what I really want, and am still not really sure. I do know that part of me feels so very stuck, stuck in a place which has no soul around it. I would like to live in a place of serenity. Serenity is not necessarily about money or things, it is more about the beauty in everything around you. How many can actually appreciate the beauty of the world around us.
I have lived in some of the most beautiful places and have a dream of moving to another beautiful place.
Maybe Alaska is not right for the now, but I have always had the dream to live there. Just when I was ready to think it will be a dream unfulfilled I receive this message in my inbox this morning.
This message reminds me to keep the dream alive and follow it.
To do one thing everyday to keep the dream alive in my heart. To remember all dreams are possible.
I do know I am not ready to give up on my dream yet, no matter how impossible it seems right now.
I would love to find someone who understands the longing in my heart and soul, and the wanderlust I feel every day, but that is not necessary for the dream, my dream.
This dream will not happen over night or maybe not even in the next six months, I am not totally insane and know the reality of it all.
I do know I do not need things to be happy, I understand we need certain things like money to be able to live, but do not need it to be happy. Some of my happiest times in life was when I was picking clams and muscles off the beach for dinner, and I hate the taste of both, we just mixed with pasta and sauce covered the taste some. For the past year I have been living to survive not to live. I have gotten so lost in the ideas everyone else thought I should be I almost lost me.
I decided to write these blogs for the money but, that has not worked out and now they have turned into blogs of inspiration. Inspiration which I hope inspires who ever reads them, if anyone actually does. The longing in my soul makes want to write, about anything, does not matter what I just need to write. I prefer longhand but this is easier and able to reach a wider audience!
As always follow my ebay and etsy sites and look about I have a lot of jewelry for sale which I have made and wish to sell.
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