Sunday, June 9, 2013

The next leg of this journey

I sit here and wonder what the next leg of this journey will be.  It seems that God always puts me where I need to be, either for my growth or for someone I need to support through a tough situation.  I, as I  have aged know it could only be for a very short time, or could be for years.  I never know how long each part of the journey will be.  What I do know is that is always a learning experience.
This past year and a half has been a very large transition and learning period.  I have learned what I need and what I do not need.
I have been sorting out what I want and what I think is expected of me, which are two very different things. I am a very simple person and do not like or need a lot of pretenses.  I don't need to keep up with anyone else.  I am very happy with a simple life.  I joined and thinking I wanted to find another person to share with.  What a joke. For the past two weeks since I signed up I have looked at hundreds of pictures and realized I do not like people because of their looks, and only those who really know me know this.  I look at eyes and there is where I find the connection. It always seems as if I can look into their sould and feel the connection.  Most of the time I do not see the outside of the person I see the inside, the heart and the soul, and that is how I decide who will be in my life. 
I am glad I have these qualities and cherish them everyday.  To me it does not matter if they are male or female, because if we take the vehicle we call a body or male/female away we are all the same.  Like a car or a house it just houses the greatest part of anyone.  We need the physical manisfestation to be able to travel the journey, as we need transportation to get from point a to point b in the physical world.
As much as I know I have no control over the next part of the journey, in the same way I want to know what it will be and where it will take me. 
I know I do not need to prepare for it because I will be provided with everything I will need to complete the leg.  The trip is usually a need to know and some, no, maybe most of the time I never know even in hindsight the answers are not always clear.
I do know there is a reason for everything and everyone who passes through our lives when they do.  I believe if we meditate and sit in the stillness we can get a vague image of it.
I started this blog when my mom passed basically to make much needed money but, that has not worked out as planned.  Now it has become a way of trying to figure out this life or to maybe just help someone else understand ultimately we do not have control.  We are able to stunt the growth or to pospone the ultimate reason we are here, however we are and will have to complete the reason we are here.
Please visit my other blog sites, my ebay or etsy site.  I sell jewelry on those sites. If you feel the need to contact me my email address is .  Looking forward to hearing from someone.

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