Monday, June 10, 2013

Being in the right place at the right time

A little email from one of my most favorite sites Totally Unique Thoughts
I have subscribed to the site for almost ten years now and get daily emails from them. When I feel really out of touch I read them and remember who is really in charge. 
Being in the right place at the right time, Susan, isn't something you can force.

It just happens when you keep busy. Effortlessly.

Imagine that,
    The Universe

No, really! Imagine that, Susan! And then get busy, because AMAZING awaits!

As I sit and think about what I really want, becoming very introspect I realize there is no one I have to ask permission from, no one I have to consult, and no one I have to wait to see if they want to do 'it' also.
I realize if I want to move I can, if I want to stay I can, and if I want to move all the way across the country I can!!
What a beautiful feeling.  So now the fear I have had about being alone is going away and excitement is taking over.  The entire country is open to me and I can go anywhere in I want.
A few of my thoughts have been to the midwest, the west coast of Oregon or Washington State.  My ultimate goal will be to end up in Alaska.  I have always wanted to live in Alaska for as long as I can remember. Funny, since I am always cold in New Jersey and wear long johns, actually cuddle duds, girly long johns, all year except for a few weeks in August.  But then I wore jeans in Florida, alot. 
My fasination with Alaska started with watching about Eskimo's and their way of life. So simple, not easy but simple. They hold on to their traditions and pass them on to the new generations even with the new world coming in. 
Now with all the new shows on television about Alaska the allure is getting stronger but, I think it takes a special kind of person to live in the extremes of the Northern Slope, no, I don't want to live in the cities of Alaska.  One of the new shows has a remote camp and it looks like I want to find one just like it, or uniquely similar.  I can honestly say it looks exciting and I plan on visiting there with in the next year.  I want to see Barrow, Alaska also, the northern most point.  I have been to the southern most point in Key West, Florida, lived in Marathon which is about an hour drive away and loved it.  Circumstances moved me from there, which in the end was the correct path to be on, I realize that now and that part of my journey ended with me learning alot as usual.  We learn on all legs of our journey. 
The tools I learned there will help me to move on to the next phase.  I learned we don't really need 'stuff' to be happy. As I lay on the floor devistated, I realized stuff was just stuff!  It is the people in our lives that matter and all the things we amass are worthless, it is the people we meet and travel with for different lengths of time that matter, even to me, the ultimate loner. 
I believe we all travel through each others lives for centuries in different lives and true souls that are matched find each other in different physical bodies over eons of time.  I also believe people can know each other even if they have not met.  On some level of our soul we know we are on the same wave length even if we are not on the same page in this life.
Please don't forget about my other blog   and as always
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Enjoy this leg of any journey you are on remember it is wonderful.

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