Today is a brand new day, a day which starts off new and beautiful full of promise and belief. Anticipation for the inspiration which I know will come. I really enjoy writing these blog posts, probably because I enjoy reading other inspirational sites and posts.
I know in my hearts of hearts I will touch one person just as I have been touched through the past few years.
I used to tell my mother, 'I am put where I am supposed to be when I am supposed to be there' and she never believed me. I know through our choices we end up certain places in situations we are hurt by, or disappointed by, or elated by. But I also know we would end up the same place eventually even if we do make all the correct choices along the path.. I myself like to go with the flow and follow the signs. The signs are all around us we just have to be aware and sensitive enough to pick them up.
Like my dimes, when I find a dime I always look at it as a message from my dad. He would always check all the pay phones, when they were around, for change in the coin return. Of course that was before cell phones and it was only a dime to make a phone call. Ancient history since no one growing up now can even relate. Every time I question whether I am headed in the correct direction I find a dime or two. Usually in the most unexpected places, like under my office chair when I am the only one there, and return to the office knowing full well it was not there when I left. Sometimes they end up on my nightstand when I know it was not there before. They are just little winks from him to tell my he still is in my corner encouraging me and guiding me. Last week my boss told me he found a couple of dimes during his day, made me feel good that my dad sees how much he has helped me in the past two years.
The unexpected scent of my mom, there is this candle which she loved the smell of and I bought three of them when she was dying. She would sit and smell them like she was trying to take enough of the smell with her. Most of the time I have them covered and cannot smell them, but every once in a while I get a really strong whiff of them and know she just walked past me. Sometimes it is as if she is sitting in the living room with me watching TV. I know she is not there in the physical form but it is impossible to convince me her spirit is not in that chair where she always sat.
The day before she passed I told her to leave me peacock feathers. What made me think of it was we used to go around the corner to see the live peacocks in the spring hoping their tails were open and beautiful. The peacock feathers where never seen before, now they are everywhere, on stationary boxes, wrapping paper, in pictures to name a few.
We must be open and alert to read the messages. Not everything is going to be a sign, however if we pay attention and not think it is all just coincidences, for there are no coincidence's in this world. Everything is orchestrated and planned by the universe down to the finest detail. We must have faith that all will and does work out to our best soul growth.
More on the planning of the universe in the next post
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