Thursday, September 27, 2012

Following your path

Today things are just getting better and better.  I am learning more each day, more of how to keep all the positive thoughts in my concsious thoughts, which in turn keep them in the unconscious also.  I remember to always check my favorite email from , 'Totally unique thoughts' always full of positive thoughts and reminding everything in my head and thoughts come true.  I am learning more and more how to give up control and just go with the flow of life. 
I finally realize I almost have the life I always wanted!  I live alone I have two cats who are always glad to see me.  I have a job I really enjoy and make decent money, I started selling my bracelets on and am making a little money there, and now I am blogging.  Which is really writing which I have always really wanted to do.  I hope someone out there is enjoying this. Even better I hope my positive inspiration will help them as all the web sites on the Internet have helped me through the years.  This is not meant to change any ones life but mine, my only hope is it will make them know they can do anything they want. 
To do anything I want was always stifled by the people around me with the words, 'get real' you need to have a real job.  The people we look to most for the support are usually the ones who try to tell us it can't be done.  Ironically they are the same people now who I want to prove wrong.  This blog is meant to be a way for anyone wanting to do something all the people around them told them was impossible.  I have learned that nothing is impossible if we want it bad enough.  We just have to put all those thought aside and follow our hearts and do what we know in our souls is right for us...
Until tomorrow, or maybe in a couple of hours, think only positive thoughts and know that we are right where we are supposed to be and doing what we are supposed be doing at any given time.  We all have a path to follow on our journey and we are always on the correct one, the trick is to just believe it and have the faith.

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