Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Living alone

Right now I am realizing, like an epiphany, I am a loner!  I like being alone to follow the beat of my own drum.  I am, for the most part the happiest I have ever been, I have a job I love, I am able to follow whatever thought which pops into my head. 
Like writing these blogs. 
I love the creativity I am allowed to write in them.  I only hope someone reads them and is able to find inspiration in them.  This blog which I am actually looking for a new title since 'starting over again' really does not encompass the scope of it.  It needs a title which is catchy and interesting.  It really has no theme except for the 'no theme' of it.  I usually just blog about a single thought which pops into my head.  Today's thought is about the peacefulness of being alone but not lonely.
I love ALONE! 
I love waking up and having no one to answer to, since this is the first time I have been on my own for any more than a few months, I find I really love it.  I love not having to please anyone else, not having to answer to anyone but myself, and not having any decisions made for me.   I can eat what and when I want  Right now it is almost a year and I am just starting to get into a routine of discipline to accomplish all I want to accomplish now. The down side is I have no one to blame for any of my mistakes.
 I am really busy right now.  I have three blogs http://suesladybugjewelry.blogspot.com , http://gamblinggirl.blogspot.com/, two web pages,
I have a store on Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop/Suestreasures2012?ref=si and all my listings on eBay http://www.ebay.com/sch/spovio/m.html?item=121035952738&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562.  AND I still work full time. I guess one of the things I am finding out about myself is I like being busy and at the same time I do not like anyone I see every day to really know how busy I am.  I don't, for the most part tell anyone about these writings I do.  I talk about them but I do not elaborate on them.  The insecurity of thinking I do not write enjoyable enough for anyone to really like these makes me keep quiet about them.  I enjoy writing and posting and hope someone reads them and finds some type of inspiration in them, but the fear of ridicule stops me from promoting my writings.  Silly as it sounds, I am sure there are alot of people who have the same fears and insecurities.  What am learning as I get older is to not take it all so serious and just to have fun with life.
I am trying to find a catchy name for this blog so it reaches more people. Any suggestions? 

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